At Artisan Pediatric Eyecare we offer a number of adult specialty services. Whether you are an adult who never outgrew a childhood eye condition, or are an adult who is experiencing vision problems following an acquired brain injury, we are here to help.
Adults throughout the Treasure Valley and from surrounding states routinely seek the pediatric and neuro-optometry services available at Artisan Pediatric Eyecare. The reason is simple. Our doctors have specialized training and are recognized experts within their fields of care. This makes them uniquely qualified to care for even the most complex cases.
Some of the conditions our doctors evaluate and treat include:
- Agnosia
- Amblyopia
- Athlete vision performance
- Convergence palsy
- Cranial nerve palsies
- Double vision
- Nystagmus
- Photophobia (light sensitivity)
- Prism assessment
- Strabismus
- Visual field loss
Our doctors offer a variety of specialized vision assessments. Each assessment provides diagnostic evaluation related to the specific visual impairment or vision performance deficit. Click each item below for more information on our adult specialty services assessments.
- Amblyopia, sometimes called lazy eye, is a childhood eye condition that results in blurred vision due to improper vision development. It was once thought that amblyopia could only be treated up to a certain age or with a limited treatment approach (such as patching). Unfortunately, this has lead to the under-treatment of amblyopia in older children and adults. More recent research has shown that amblyopia can be treated even in adulthood. Utilizing neuroplasticity and a more modern approach to treatment, adults are achieving 20/20 vision for the first time in their life.
- Strabismus, or an eye turn, can occur in the adult population for several reasons. For many adults, they had strabismus as a child and never outgrew it. For other adults, an event (such as a stroke) resulted in strabismus later in life. Our residency-trained neuro-optometrist, Dr. Ryan Johnson, routinely sees strabismus in the adult population. He tailors your treatment to the specifics of your case, often incorporating prism, surgery, and vision therapy for improved results.
- Our sports vision specialist, Dr. Ryan Johnson, is the official eye doctor of the Idaho Steelheads. However, you don't need to be a professional athlete to benefit from an Athlete Vision Assessment. Regardless of your level of competition, vision impacts sports performance. Skills like eye teaming (for depth perception), eye tracking, and visual processing speed can all be evaluated and compared to those of competitive athletes to identify sport specific vision deficits. Looking for a competitive edge? Dr. Johnson can prescribe competition-specific correction (glasses or contacts) or a customized sports vision training program to help you take your sports performance to the next level.
- An adult with a developmental disability can get much more out of an eye examination with a pediatric optometrist as compared to a general optometrist. Our doctors have advanced training in eyecare for individuals with special needs. Our clinic also has the equipment to adapt an eye exam to the abilities of the individual. Difficulties providing feedback? Don't worry, our doctors are trained to objectively determine a person's prescription, evaluate their visual abilities, and check their eye health even if the patient is unable to communicate.
- Concussions, acquired brain injury, neuro-degenerative conditions (such as Parkinson's), and stroke all affect vision and visual performance. An evaluation with our residency-trained neuro-optometrist, Dr. Ryan Johnson, is the best way to determine how your visual system was impacted by an acquired brain injury. If left undiagnosed and untreated, your vision conditions can impact your overall recovery and prevent you from returning to everyday activities.
- Prism is frequently used to manage double vision. Some forms of prism are integrated into your glasses (so it cannot be seen), while other forms are applied to your current lines (with a stick-on prism). Dr. Ryan Johnson, our residency-trained neuro-optometrist, uses standardized testing to evaluate your need for prism. By systematically evaluating your binocular vision abilities he can determine the right amount of prism for you.